The X[[S]]-Sub-Exact Sequence of Generalized Power Series Rings

Wesly Agustinus Pardede , Ahmad Faisol , Fitriani Fitriani


Let  be a ring,  a strictly ordered monoid, and K, L, M are R-modules. Then, we can construct the Generalized Power Series Modules (GPSM) K[[S]], L[[S]], and M[[S]], which are the module over the Generalized Power Series Rings (GPSR) R[[S]]. In this paper, we investigate the property of X[[S]]-sub-exact sequence on GPSM L[[S]] over GPSR R[[S]].




Exact Sequence; Generalized Power Series Module; Generalized Power Series Rings; Strictly Ordered Monoid; X-Sub-Exact Sequence.

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