Development of a rigorous mathematical thinking-based textbook in the house of worship context to enhance conceptual understanding

Fatrima Santri Syafri , Agus Susanta , Irwan Koto


Background: This research develops a foundational mathematics textbook for PGMI students based on the Rigorous Mathematical Thinking (RMT) framework, contextualized within houses of worship to foster deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
Aim: The study aims to design and evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the textbook while gauging students’ responses and performance improvements.
Method: Using a research and development (R&D) model, this study validated the textbook through expert reviews and tested its practicality and effectiveness in small-scale and broader applications. Data were obtained through a combination of observations, interviews, surveys, and tests measuring students' conceptual comprehension. Statistical evaluations, including descriptive analysis and t-tests, were employed.
Results: The textbook received validation from subject matter, presentation, and language experts, who confirmed its content and structural accuracy. Trial phases categorized the textbook as highly practical, while broader field testing indicated that students using the textbook demonstrated significantly greater improvement in conceptual understanding compared to those without it.
Conclusion: The RMT-based textbook aligns with its intended objectives and provides a contextually appropriate tool for improving mathematical comprehension. These findings highlight its potential as an effective resource for mathematics learning in PGMI contexts.


development, Textbook, Basic Mathematics, Rigorous Mathematical Thinking, House of Worship Context, PGMI

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