Analysis of Student Problem Solving Skill and Activity Concentration on a Senior High School

Heris Hendriana , Ratni Purwasih , Erwin Triawan , Yudi Prasetio , Tri Satria


The aim of the research  to know the level of student  problem solving skill of  Senior high school students on their  mathematical problem and activity concentration. The object of the research was conducted  at one of Senior high school of Cimahi. the Subject  of the research  is all  twelve grades of Senior high School Students of Science Program in Cimahi. The research used descriptive qualitative research to describe the student analysis error on doing the question of problem solving ability. The data of the research was found using diagnostic of series and rows and also student questionnaire. Data collecting technique used Miles and Huberman concept  that are reduction data, reporting data and draw the conclusion. The result of the research are: (1) the level of the ability to solve the problem is still low (2) the common student error did not understand the questions and have no ability to communicate in mathematical form. (3) the student’s activity is rated strong. Some solutions can be given to increase student problem solving ability through practice or question drill structured  and gived the variety questions as material practice. 


Problem Solving Skill; Student Activity.

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