Learning trajectory in the material of comparing and ordering fractions using paper folding for elementary school students
Background:Understanding fractions in mathematics often poses greater complexity compared to integral numbers. The primary difficulty lies in students' inadequate grasp of fractional basics, notably in comparing and sequencing fractions.
Aim: This research seeks to create and evaluate a learning pathway's effect on fourth graders' comprehension of fractions, with a focus on their comparison and sequencing.
Method: Employing a design research validation study approach, the research progresses through preliminary design, experimental design, and retrospective analysis. Conducted in a Palembang school involving six fourth graders recommended by their teacher, data collection encompassed essay-based pre and post-tests, Student Activity Sheets, observations, interviews, and documentations. The data analysis was retrospectively carried out, anchored on HLT as the benchmark.
Result: Findings reveal a student learning trajectory encompassing three principal activities. Initially, students used folding and gluing of paper to discern fraction values. Subsequently, they engaged in coloring and illustrating folds for fraction comparison. The final activity involved drawing, coloring boxes, and fraction comparison and sequencing. Overall, students showed proficiency in understanding and determining fraction values and comparing them, yet struggled with ordering certain fractions.
Conclusion: The structured learning path facilitated students' understanding of basic fraction concepts, especially in comparing them. Nevertheless, reinforcing methods or approaches for teaching fraction ordering is essential.Keywords
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