International Journal of Electronics and Communications System (IJECS) [e-ISSN: 2798-2610] is a medium communication for researchers, academicians, and practitioners from all over the world that covers issues such as the improvement about design and implementation of electronics devices, circuits, and communication systems including but not limited to: circuit theory, integrated circuits, analog circuits, digital circuits, mixed-signal circuits, electronic components, filters, oscillators, biomedical circuits, neuromorphic circuits, RF circuits, optical communication systems, microwave systems, antenna systems, communications circuits for optical communication, development of physics evaluation instruments, development of physics instructional media, digital signal processing, communication theory and techniques, modulation, source and channel coding, microwave theory and techniques, wave propagation and more.
This journal welcomes submissions all year round. Submissions are reviewed upon receipt. The template manuscript can be downloaded Here.
Journal title | : | International Journal of Electronics and Communications System |
Initials | : | IJECS |
Frequency | : | 2 issues per year (June and December) |
DOI | : | Prefix 10.24042 by Crossref |
Online ISSN | : | 2798-2610 |
Editor-in-chief | : | Korhan Cengiz, Ph. D., SMIEEE |
Publisher | : | Pusat HKI, Paten, dan Publikasi Ilmiah, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung |
Indexing | : | DOAJ | Google Scholar | Garuda | DIMENSION |
Submissions | : | This journal welcomes submissions all year round. Submissions are reviewed upon receipt. The template manuscript can be downloaded Here. Manuscript Published is written in standard English since Volume 1 No. 1, 2021. |
Posted: 2024-12-22 | |
Call For Papers Vol. 5 No. 1 and 2 IJECS 2025 |
Posted: 2024-10-16 | More... |
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Vol 4, No 2 (2024): International Journal of Electronics and Communications System
Table of Contents
Polarization and Phase Control of Electromagnetic Waves in Periodic and Quasiperiodic Photonic Crystals using Fullerene and Tellurium Nanolayers
Shalaw Saman Khalid, Sana Latif Ahmed, Saman Othman Abdula, Shene Aziz Abdurahman
DOI : 10.24042/ijecs.v4i2.23618
Abstract views : 104 times
Automation of Software Defined Network (SDN) Configuration Management Based on Proxmox with Ansible
Khairan Marzuki, Husain Husain, Zikriati Apriliana
DOI : 10.24042/ijecs.v4i2.23821
Abstract views : 60 times
Human Sperm Morphology Classification Using YOLOv5 Deep Learning Algorithm
Aristoteles Aristoteles, Ridho Sholehurrohman, Nasywa Nathania Wirawan
DOI : 10.24042/ijecs.v4i2.24419
Abstract views : 39 times
Modifying the DC Servo Motor Observed by Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques
Arti Saxena, Vishal R Panse, Ardian Asyhari, Rofiqul Umam, Marta Michalska-Domańska, Aparna Dixit
DOI : 10.24042/ijecs.v4i2.25071
Abstract views : 26 times
Unveiling GPT-4o: Enhanced Multimodal Capabilities and Comparative Insights with ChatGPT-4
Ibrahim A Murad, Mustafa Ibrahim Khaleel, Mohammed Y. Shakor
DOI : 10.24042/ijecs.v4i2.25079
Abstract views : 64 times