Comparison of quantile regression and censored quantile regression methods in the case of chicken consumption

Sarmada Sarmada , Ferra Yanuar , Dodi Devianto


The censored quantile regression method is a parameter estimation method that can be used to overcome censored data and BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator) assumptions that are not met. This research aims to compare the quantile regression method and the censored quantile regression method on data on chicken consumption cases in West Sumatra. The smallest RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) is an indicator of the goodness of the model. This research proves that the censored quantile regression method tends to produce smaller RMSE values than the quantile regression method. So it is concluded that the censored quantile regression method is the appropriate method for estimating parameters with censored data.


Censored Data; Quantile Regression; Censored Quantile Regression; RMSE.

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