Journal History

ASAS : Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah [The ASAS Journal of Sharia Economic Law] is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Syariah of UIN Raden Intan Lampung. Asas was launched for the first time in 2007 marked by the release of P-ISSN 1979-1488. At that time, Asas was still been available in printed form. However, from the year 2010, starting at volume 02 and edition 1, it can be accessed via online. Asas initially aims to facilitate academics and researchers in the fields of Islamic Law, Syari’ah Economic Law, Islamic Culture, and Islamic Politics to publish their works.

Since June 17, 2020, Asas received an Online E-ISSN from BRIN with Numbers 2722-8681. Therefore, commenced the publication of volume 13 and issue 1 in 2021, the field of study of Asas is focused on the Scientific of Sharia Economic Law.

Moreover, as an academic journal, Asas' purpose is to disseminate the latest theories and research results from all aspects that have been examined through the lens of the discipline of Syari’ah Economic Law. Asas publishes useful works by way of a systematic process and can be accessed free of charge.

Asas is indexed by: Crossref; Moraref; ROAD; Garuda; Google Scholar; CiteFactor; Academic Scientific Journals;; Mendeley; ISSUU; LIPI: Indonesian Publication Index; DRJI: Directory of Research Journals Indexing; ISSUU index; Cosmos Impact Factor; ISJD: Indonesian Scientific Journal Database, Grammarly.