journal;ISSN;science education;mathematics education;fisika;biologi;kimia;studijournal;online journal;artikel ilmiah;jurnal ilmiah

Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

The Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by Unit Riset dan Publikasi Ilmiah (the Research and Scientific Publication Unit) of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training) at Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia. IJSME focuses on integrating cultural perspectives into science and mathematics education, with a primary emphasis on the Indonesian educational context. Additionally, IJSME welcomes contributions from international scholars whose research aligns with the journal’s themes, fostering the exchange of innovative ideas and practices on a global scale. The journal’s scope includes, but is not limited to, research in the fields of Ethnomathematics and Ethnoscience, which connect local wisdom and cultural practices with science and mathematics education; Innovative Learning Media and Technology, exploring digital and hands-on tools to enhance conceptual understanding; Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Models, incorporating students’ cultural backgrounds to promote engagement; and Culturally Insightful Assessment and Evaluation, focusing on developing fair and inclusive evaluation tools that reflect cultural diversity. IJSME also accepts articles addressing specific and unique topics in science and mathematics education, enriching the field with diverse cultural insights and interdisciplinary approaches.

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Posted: 2024-11-04
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