SMART: Journal of Sharia, Traditon, and Modernity

Journal TitleSMART: Jurnal Syariah, Tradisi, dan Modernitas
Frekuensi2 Issues per year (Juny and Desember)
DOIPrefix 10.24042 By 
Editor in-ChiefProf. Dr. Hj. Siti Mahmudah, M.Ag.
PublishedFakultas Syariah, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
IndexingDOAJ | Garuda | Dimensi | Moreref | Google Cendekia

SMART: Journal of Sharia, Tradition, and Modernity is a scientific journal published by Raden Intan State Islamic University of Lampung. This journal publishes articles on Islamic family law studies in Indonesia and in Muslim countries in the world, by presenting contemporary Islamic family law theories whose implementation in traditions, modernity that are developing in Indonesian society and in Muslim countries in the world. The substance of the articles in this journal emphasizes aspects of qualitative analysis with field studies (empirical, phenomenological and case studies). The scope includes special studies related to 1. Legal Issues in Marriage, 2. Comparative Issues of Family Law in Muslim Countries in the world, 3. Legal Issues and Community Culture, 4. Legal Issues and Gender Equality, 5. Legal Issues in Customary Systems, 6. Legal Issues in Social Society, 7. Legal Issues in the Study of Religion or Local Beliefs, 8. Legal Issues in the Study of Legal Anthropology, 9. Renewal of Islamic family law in the perspective of Mubādalah, 10. Studies and research on family concepts in Islam, 11. Studies and research on program initiatives related to strengthening marriage and family relationships such as marriage guidance of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. In order to improve the quality of the substance and management of the journal, SMART: Journal of Sharia, Tradition, and Modernity, has established cooperation or a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Association Dosen Hukum Keluarga Islam (ADHKI) Indonesia.

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