Analisis Soal Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematika pada Materi Statistika Berbasis Budaya Kota Pekalongan
Introducing the culture as early as possible to students can be done through the learning process. Local culture can be presented in the material or practice questions given by the teacher. Many things can be learned from Pekalongan City as a creative city (UNESCO) so that it can be integrated in the mathematics learning process and one of the mathematical abilities that must be mastered by students is the ability to understand mathematical concepts. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the ability to understand mathematical concepts in the culture-based statistical material of Pekalongan City. This study uses a descriptive study method of literature study which is included in one of the processes for developing worksheets for students of culture-based statistical materials in Pekalongan City. The collection technique uses interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The results of this study found that the questions developed can measure the ability to understand mathematical concepts and can introduce more deeply about Pekalongan City towards their students. So in addition to introducing the culture of Pekalongan City through learning, it can also be done with the evaluation questions. The ability to understand mathematical concepts in data presentation material can be measured through questions based on local culture. It also has a goal so that students' learning interest in mathematics material becomes high.
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