Peran Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik
In the current era of globalization, technology has a very important role in almost every aspect of life, both in daily and in the world of education, including in the field of mathematics education. This paper will cover the three main roles of technology in mathematics learning, especially in the context of mathematics learning using realistic mathematical approach. The realistic mathematical approach-known as Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) originating from the Netherlands-is a learning theory specifically developed for mathematics learning. The three roles of the technology include the role of a tool for mathematics, a tool for training in math skills, and tools to help develop an understanding of mathematical concepts. The three roles are outlined and have concrete examples on algebra, calculus, and geometry topics for junior and senior high school levels using relatively easy-to-reach technologies, such as Microsoft Excel and GeoGebra software. This description is expected to be an inspiration for researchers, teachers, or prospective teachers of mathematics in research and in the process of learning mathematics.
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