Penentuan Model Matematika Terbaik dengan Metode Forward Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen (Studi Kasus: Mega Jaya Motor AHASS 12199 di Sidorejo Sek. Udik)

Endah Yuliani , Nanang Supriadi , Iip Sugiharta


This study aims to determine the best mathematical model in describing customer satisfaction. Methods in this research use a causal quantitative. Data collection methods in this study using a questionnaire with 50 respondents. Data analysis techniques used are classical assumption test and hypothesis test. The results obtained by the best mathematical model with the forward method of customer satisfaction Mega Jaya Motor workshop is . This means that the satisfaction of Mega Jaya Motor workshop is influenced by the service variables available in the workshop.


Kepuasan Konsumen, Model Matematika Terbaik, Metode Forward

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