Buku Saku Geometri Transformasi dengan Motif Batik Nusantara
This research aims to develop learning materials a pocket book with motif of archipelago batik. The method of this research is carried out using the methods of research and development model of Borg and Gall that have been modified by Sugiyono include 7 stages, namely:1) The Potential and Problems, 2) Data Collection, 3) Design of the Produk, 4) Validation of the Design, 5) Design Revision, 6) Trial of the Product, 7) Revision of the Product. The result of this research showed that the feasibility value by the material expert got an average score of 3,43 with valid criteria and feasibility value by media expert with an average score of 3,40 with valid criteria. The response of the learners was very interesting with an average score 3,53 to trial the small group and the achievement of an average score of 3,41 to trial the large group. This showed that the poscet book of transformation geometry with motif of archipelago batik generated in this research is considered feasible for use in learning mathematics.
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