Efektivitas PMR ditinjau dari Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif dan Disposisimatematis Siswa
Creative thinking ability and mathematic disposition are mathematic thinking skills and attitudes that students should have. Through the implementation of realistic mathematic learning (RML) is expected to increasestudent’s creative thinking ability and mathematic disposition. The research design is a quasi-experimental, pretest - posttest control group design with the entire population of students class VII SMP Buana Bandar Sribhawono school academic 2013/2014. Through purposive random sampling technique derived class VII.A and VII.B as research samples. Based on data analysis, found that more than or equal to 65% of students with realistic mathematic learning thoroughly studied (has a value of more than or equal to 60). Increasing creative thinking abilitiy of students who learn with realistic mathematic learning are higher than expository learning. More than or equal to 65 % of students with realistic mathematiclearning, mathematical disposition on the minimum criteria (percentage disposition has more than 65%). Increasing mathematic disposition of students who take realistic mathematic learningare higher than the expositorylearning. Therefore concluded that the implementation of realistic mathematic learning effectively applied on mathematics learning based on student’s creative thingking ability and mathematic disposition.
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