Journal History

Oosthaven: Journal of Islamic History and Cultural Research

Oosthaven: Journal of Islamic History and Cultural Research was established based on the Rector’s Decree of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, under the initial directive to form the Lampung Islamic Studies Center. This center was envisioned as a platform to define the historical and cultural identity of the Islamic communities in Lampung, rooted in the region’s rich local wisdom and heritage.

The Lampung Islamic Studies Center was officially founded on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, with Dr. H. Wahyu Iryana serving as the Executive Director, M. Bisri Mustofa as the Secretary, and Aan Budianto as the Head of the Research Division.

The birth of Oosthaven: Journal of Islamic History and Cultural Research represents a significant milestone in realizing the center’s vision through academic research and community engagement. This journal serves as an intellectual forum, hosting scholarly works that explore history, culture, ethnography, identity, and the Islamic perspectives of Lampung and the broader Malay communities. All research contributions are made accessible through its official website, ensuring a dynamic and inclusive exchange of knowledge.