Problem-Solving Approach in Multiple Representations of Qualitative and Quantitative Problems in Kinematics Motion

Ade Tegar Saputra, Jumadi Jumadi, Debora Wibianne Paramitha, Siti Sarah


The study aims to find the approach used by students in solving physics problems with symbol and graph representations, and also to find out the student's approach to solving qualitative and quantitative questions. This is related to student good problem solvers use multiple representations to solve the problem. They use the qualitative and quantitative approach in a physics problem. The type of research conducted to find out this is quantitative descriptive. In this study, data were obtained by tests and interviews. We give four problems in kinematic motions to undergraduate students. The problem consists of a graphic and symbol representation of qualitative and quantitative problems. The result shows that the quantitative problem of symbol and graphic representation, all of the students only solve the problem without qualitative analysis. That proves in these problems all of the students become a novice problem solver in this problem. Different from it, 84% of students not only solve the qualitative physics problem in symbol representation problems with the qualitative approach but also, we solve with quantitative analysis. On the other hand, they only explain the graph representations problem with descriptions


good problem-solvers; kinematic motions; multiple representations

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