Madrasa Head Leadership In Improving Teacher Performance At MAN 1 Metro

Rizky Rahmahdi SR


This study aims to describe the Madrasah Principal's Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance at MAN 1 Metro City. Leadership is the process of the activity of someone who has the art or ability to influence, coordinate, move individuals without being forced from any party so that they can work together regularly in an effort to achieve common goals that have been set or formulated. This research uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and document studies. The subjects in this study were the Principal, Deputy Head of Curriculum, Infrastructure and Teachers. The data analysis technique is by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. While testing the validity of the data using source triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The leadership of the Madrasah Principal in influencing teacher performance, by: participating in giving an example not an order, for example by arriving early and leaving last and forming a team work. (2) The leadership of the Madrasah Principal in mobilizing teacher performance. namely by improving the quality of teachers, by providing opportunities to attend training, workshops and also training such as the MGMP. (3) the leadership of the Madrasah Principal in motivating teacher performance. give prizes to teachers who are exemplary and achievers, pay more attention, for example there is a sick teacher who is visited and given motivation and allowances. (4) Leadership of the Madrasah Principal in communicating teacher performance. by creating good communication between teams. Use an interpersonal communication style, because communication is very vital in the leadership wheel, so it must be in accordance with what will be conveyed to the team.


Madrasah Principal Leadership.

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