Developing A Mathematics Learning Media to Explain Formula Of Area of Kite Using Hawgent

Jerito Pereira, Shiwei Tan, Li Li, Aditya Purnama


This study aims to develop Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software Learning Media. The broad material of ICT-based kites as a medium for learning mathematics for grade IV SD students. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R and D) with a 4-D model. The results of the material expert’s assessment of the six components include: the language aspect is 70%, the ease of use of learning media reaches the highest average of 90%, and it is concluded that the overall average percentage is 83.33%. It can be said that the ICT-based learning media that have been designed are in the feasible category. While the results of the material expert’s assessment of the four aspects obtained an average percentage of 87.89%. Based on the results of the study Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software Learning Media can be used as a learning media for learning mathematics to find the area ofa kite.


class IV, elementary school, Hawgent dynamic mathematics, kite area, learning media, software

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