Palm Tree Coplanar Vivaldi Antenna Array on the Same Substrate Size: Design and Performance Evaluation

Nurhayati Nurhayati , Alexandre Manicoba De Oliveira , Mohd Najib Bin Mohd Yasin , Dayat Kurniawan


This paper aims to describe the performance of the palm tree Coplanar Vivaldi Antenna Array (CVA) that was simulated from 0.25-6.25 GHz in terms of return loss and radiation pattern. Palm Tree Coplanar Vivaldi Antenna is available in four different configurations: single-element, two-element array, four-element array, and an eight-element array. We create a feeding network and radiator patch for two, four, and eight-array antennas. The simulation results demonstrate that the single-element antenna has the best return loss performance and can cover all frequency work from 0.25-6.25 GHz. In contrast, the antenna array can only cover multiband frequency. At 3 GHz, a single-element antenna has a directivity of 8.77 dBi, a sidelobe level of -2.2 dB, and a beamwidth of 63.70. In contrast, an antenna array of 8 elements has a directivity of 15.5 dBi, a sidelobe level of -12.6 dB, and a beamwidth of 80. Using the same substrate size, by configuring the Vivaldi Coplanar antenna to be an array at a frequency of 3 GHz, the 1×8 array antenna has a 6.73dBi improvement in directivity, a 10.4 dB boost in side lobe level, and a 55.70 enhanced in beamwidth performance compared to a single element. According to the simulation findings, the radiation pattern performance of the. Palm Tree CVA is greater than a single element in the same substrate size. Good directivity, SLL, and beamwidth performance make the proposed Palm Tree CVA array suitable for integration in telecommunication, radar, or cognitive radio applications.


Antenna; Array; Radiation Pattern; Vivaldi

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