Comparison Study of Convolutional Neural Network Architecture in Aglaonema Classification
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is very good at classifying images. To measure the best CNN architecture, a study must be done against real-case scenarios. Aglaonema, one of the plants with high similarity, is chosen as a test case to compare CNN architecture. In this study, a classification process was carried out on five classes of Aglaonema imagery by comparing five architectures from the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method: LeNet, AlexNet, VGG16, Inception V3, and ResNet50. The total dataset used is 500 image data, with the distribution of training data by 80 percent and test data by 20 percent. The segmentation process is performed using the Grabcut algorithm by separating the foreground and background. To build a model for CNN architecture using Google Colab and Google Drive storage. The results of the tests carried out on five classes of Aglaonema images obtained the best accuracy, precision, and recall results on the Inception V3 architecture with values of 92.8 percent, 93 percent, and 92.8 percent. The CNN architecture has the highest level of accuracy in classifying aglaonema plant types based on images. This study seeks to close research gaps, contribute to the field of research, and serve as a platform for primary prevention research.
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