Learning Obstacle untuk Siswa SMP Materi Tabung dan Kerucut
The lessons learned in junior high schools that do not take into account the learning obstacles that students experience, in general teachers submit materials referring to the instructional materials in the form of a book or reference books. Therefore it is important to do a study that examines the learning obstacle for junior high school. Learning that is designed based on learning obstacle will create an optimal learning process. The purpose of this research is to analyze the learning obstacle (learning barrier) related to SMP material and its causal factors. The method used in this study using qualitative methods. Based on the research, the conclusion is as follows. about the learning obstacle analysis of junior high school students on tube and cone material. The conclusions obtained are, The difficulties experienced by students in solving the story form is as follows: (1) Difficulty understanding the concept; (2) Difficulty calculation; (3) Difficulty solving the story problem. Researchers suspected the presence of ontogenic obstacles and didactical obstacles. Difficulty in applying the formula to problem solving obtained a percentage of 16% belong to very low criteria. Difficulties in performing arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations are 48.8% percentage of sufficient criteria. Difficulty solving story problem obtained percentage equal to 37% belong to low criterion. Most students do not understand the meaning of the given question. Students experience obstacle, obstacle, obstacle and didactical obstacle obstacles in solving problems with indicators applying the concept of tube and cone volumes presented in the story.
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