Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar Menggunakan Software Adobe Flash untuk Kelas VIII SMP
The research is done based on the lack og learning media is used in teaching learning process and students motivation that is still low. Teaching material is an important part of the learning proces a whole. The formulation of the problem in this research is how to develop math materials by using Abobe Flash on material polyhedron and its quality by material and media expert to the eighth is aimed to produce interesting learning process using learning media Adobe Flash on material polyhedron. The research is done by research method and development (R&D) by Sugiono. The research is limited on 7 stages, that are : 1) Potency And Problem, 2) Collecting Data, 3) Design Produc, 4) Validate Desig, 5) Validate Product, 6) Trial Product, And 7) Revision Product. Because of limited time, this research cannot apply all of the research procedure by Sgiono. Learning media is developed towards validation steps of material and media expert. Interest in learning media is based on small- scale trial that is done to 10 students and large scal trial to 22 students. The subject of trial is students of the eighth grade of SMP N 16 Bandar Lampung. Based on the trial by material and media expert, feasibility score consecutively are 4,1 and 3,95. On small- scale and large scale trial is gotten consecutively4,3 and4,277. Consequently, learning media Adobe Flash that is developed is interestingand it can be used as learning media to the eighth grade students on material polyhedron.
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