The Communication Strategy of Wasathiyah Da'wah by MUI in Supporting Government's Covid-19 Mitigation in Indonesia

Rosidi . , Umi Aisyah


This research discusses the Communication Strategy of Wasathiyah Da'wah by the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia Pusat) in supporting the government's efforts to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 in Indonesia. The Covid-19 pandemic has claimed countless lives. Tens of thousands of people have died due to this virus, which originated in Wuhan, China. Virtually all aspects of life were brought to a standstill. The true number of casualties, including the loss of property, businesses, jobs, and other impacts, is difficult to quantify. The Indonesian government has made every effort to combat this unprecedented pandemic. The Central Indonesian Ulema Council also took the initiative to assist the government in addressing this pandemic, for which no cure had yet been found. As a religious organization adhering to the wasathiyah (moderate) approach, the wasathiyah da'wah communication strategies employed to aid the government in managing Covid-19 are as follows: First, through spiritual efforts. The Council provided guidance to the public that the Covid-19 outbreak was a decree from Allah, intended to remind humanity to turn back to Him. It urged the public to accept the situation with patience, increase worship, draw closer to Allah, and seek His protection. Second, issuing religious decrees (fatwas) as guidelines for the public in performing religious duties during the pandemic. A total of 12 fatwas were issued by MUI during the pandemic, marking the most fatwas ever issued in history. Third, taking practical steps by establishing task forces from the central to regional and local levels, tasked with coordinating with local leaders to jointly combat Covid-19. These efforts included fundraising to support the underprivileged, teachers, and preachers who were unable to work and had no income. Additionally, vaccination centers and Covid-19 testing clinics were opened in several locations. Fourth, conducting national webinars to promote MUI's programs to be followed up by regional councils throughout Indonesia.


Covid-19 Mitigation; Islamic moderation; Wasathiyah Da'wah Strategy


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