M. Akmansyah


The Islamic doctrine and beliefs (aqidah) is the important
component of the Islamic education subject. Teaching the aqidah
iscritical issue to give Muslims young generations convincing
answers to these world modern challengers. The main objective ofteaching Islamic doctrine should be to reinforce our young
Muslims with the intellectual and spiritual weapons that can stand
to the globalization. This research analyze and try to find the
answer of “What is the aqidah education for the children in the
Prophetic Hadith perspectives ?.”
The study used the qualitative research approach that
explore and research topics that require the research questions in detail. The study used the library research design where the data were collected through literatures analysis. The data were managed and analyzed using descriptive analysis research.
This study found that the main objective of teaching
aqidah is to produce the young Muslims generations that have
God consciousness in all aspect of life. There are five basic
materials in aqidah education based on the prophetic Hadith,
teaching the word “la ilaha ila Allah”, planting the love Allah in
their soul and feel supervised by Him, planting the love Prophet
Muhammad SAW and his family, teaching them the Qur'an, and
educating them to hold firmly the aqidah and will sacrifice for it.
There are three basic principles used in Prophetic Hadits
on aqidah education: First, planting the correct aqidah, (by
teaching the faith from early age, providing an explanation and
assertion through parable method (matsal), using visual aid, the
story method and the question and answer method), and taking the advantage of every opportunity. Second, correcting the mistake by using the advice method, testing and strengthening their faith, (through reasoning and giving alternative, showing the mistake, and expressing anger), warning the impact, criticizing and punishment method. Third, keeping the children‟s faith by supporting them to hold firmly the al-Qur‟an and al-Sunnah, avoiding conflict areas (fitan), avoiding doubtful (syubhât) and maintaining their faith with good deed.

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