Nur Khalis


This research describes that Islamic education system
constitute organizing effort processes activity to
education that has based Islam teaching with pass
through systemic approaching so deep its operational
perform consisting of part system of elementary,
intermediate and college who shall have levelsin
scholarly quality and technology. Based on histories,
itcomes into the world formal education institutes in
shaped school or madrasah in Islam to constitute is
development of teaching and education system
happened since Nabi Saw has gootten at mosque -
kuttab, halaqah, suffah-, until became formal institute as
school, madrasah, ma’had danuniversity. New paradigm
in education shall can revamp learning paradigm of
teacher oriented to student oriented,direct learning as
colaborative learning to team wor, learning to know to
skill,learning that gets to orient to content to learning
that accentuates to process, learning based curriculum
to gets life skill, learning gets individual's character to
learning that gets group character, of learning that gets
center at spatial class to learning that gets to society.


Akuntabilitas; Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan; Pendidikan Islam

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/ijpmi.v11i2.3773


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