Konsep Adab Menuntut Ilmu Menurut Kitab Tanbihul Muta’allim dan Relevansinya dengan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia
The world of education is a very dynamic world, always moving, always changing and updating. Today, students are faced with rapid globalization, so that a very serious problem that occurs in the world of education today is a crisis of courtesy. Therefore, it is very important to learn courtesy because without it, the knowledge will not be useful. In connection with a very important courtesy, Ahmad MaisurSindi At-Thursidi had a view about a person's journey in studying which was written in the book of TanbihulMuta'allim. This study used a type of library researchwith a qualitative approach. The data used in this research was primary data in the form of the book of TanbihulMuta'allim and secondary data in the form of books, articles, and scientific papers related to the theme studied by the researcher. Data were collected by using documentation. The analytical technique used in this research was content analysis. The results of this study indicated that in the book of TanbihulMuta'allim, a student must have courtesy, including the good manners of students before coming to the place of study, when they are in the place of study,when they have finished studying, also thecourtesy towards themselves, parents, teachers, and to knowledge. The correlation between students’ courtesy in the book of TanbihulMuta'allimwas very relevant to be applied to Islamic education in Indonesia because the existence of learning good manners both before and after studyingwas a good thing so that the knowledge gained was not merely a knowledge but students could also use it in the society and it will be useful for themselves and others.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/alidarah.v12i1.12254
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