Transformation of Conventional Banking to Digital Banking: Regulation and Risk Management

Aula Nurul Ma'rifah , Eka Octavian Pranata , Deva Nabilah , Erni Zulfa Arini


This research discusses the transformation of conventional banks to digital banking by emphasizing the importance of regulation and risk management. The method used is literature review, collecting and reviewing references related to OJK regulations governing digital banking services and risk management related to digital banks. The results show that strong regulations are needed to protect consumers and ensure the stability of the digital banking system. In addition, banks must implement adequate risk management to address threats such as cybersecurity, data protection, and operational risks. Good risk management allows banks to mitigate the negative impacts that may arise during the digitalization process. This research emphasizes the importance of regulation and comprehensive risk management in maintaining sustainability and customer trust in digital banking.


digital banking, regulation, risk management, OJK, cybersecurity.

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Al-Mashrof: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance [p-ISSN: 2774-7166, e-ISSN: 2746-3877] published by Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business at Islamic State University of Raden Intan, Lampung - Indonesia

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